Josiah Stephen was born today at 2:46 pm after 6 hours of labor... DD said it was not bad at all, she did it without any meds!! Josiah weighs 8lbs 1 oz and is 21 inches tall as his dad says! Ava got to meet her brother tonight and loved him! I guess she found the code blue button though, DD said she had never seen people run so fast into her room, oops! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!
~Stephanie (aka Noni)
absolutely ADORABLE!!
Awwww ... congrats on the new grandson Steph. He's so sweet!!!!!
He is gorgeous Stephanie and I'm so glad her labor & delivery went well! Enjoy him!!!!!
Ohhhhh, congrats!
Congrats all round!!!!!!
Congrats, what a beautiful baby boy. tfs
Congrats to your daughter. What a precious gift.
Awwww just gorgeous. I need a cuddle.
Congratulations, my friend. He is just precious!
congratulations!! he is a cutie :-)
OH HOW PRECIOUS!!!! Congrats!!!
I am not sure if you knew but you won my Dino-Mite blog candy a while back from the SNSS January release blog hop but I don't think I ever heard from you with your address.
So cute!!! Congatulations on your new grandson. Enjoy!!
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